I never knew one four-legged little critter could bring me so much joy! This is my Belle, and I really don't know what I ever did without her. Except, I do have a cat -- Bree -- and she was my "baby" before Ms. Belle came along. Bree is still my baby because I had her first, but you just can't love a cat and a dog on the same level. Cats want to be loved on their own terms while dogs just want to be loved all the time. So, when Bree rolls over on her back, exposes her furry tummy for me to pet, I try my best to accommodate. I've learned over the 6 or so years that I've had Bree to let her come to me for cuddling and not try to force cuddling on her. She likes to play with a string or chase around a little ball for fun, but she requires her own space sometimes -- much like us humans.
Belle, however, is an entirely different story. She'll take cuddling whenever she can get it. And, this little girl would play 24/7 and never get tired! She has this little personality all her own, and there are many times I'd sure like to be inside her head to know exactly what she's thinking. She can be a little hellion sometimes, though, especially when it comes to tormenting Ms. Bree, pulling things out of the garbage can, and making a mess in general. It's really hard to get mad at Belle, though, because she always gives me this look as if to say, "I'm sorry, mommy -- please don't be mad!" Then, my heart just melts.
Bree has a small problem keeping her floppy little ears in their proper position, so what you see above is what she looks like a large majority of the time. I don't care whether or not her ears flip forwards or backwards -- I love her anyway!
It's such a pleasure to come home -- no matter what kind of day I've had -- and see that happy little face "smiling" at me. Unless they're sick for some reason, dogs don't have a bad day. And, they don't get mad at us for leaving them alone in a crate all day, either. Now, what they say about us under their breath after we leave them is a question that will never be answered. But, they get over it as soon as they see us walk through the door, and every time we walk through the door it seems like the best day of their life!
I thank God for making animals -- even huge, scary black bears and screaming coyotes that show up uninvited in the wee hours of the morning! I make no claims of knowing anything about what Heaven will be like; all I know is that I'm going there some day. And, in my heart I believe that, even though animals don't have souls, God will have plenty of them in Heaven because He knows they make for a happier place!
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